Tuesday 3 October 2017

Nairobi College has been closed for security reasons


Nairobi University has been closed indefinitely because of what the college leaders have said is a need for "security breakthrough" in the college.
The move has been taken after some days of anxiety caused by clashes between students and police dealing with conflicts within the college.
"All students have to leave their accommodation rooms at least three o'clock in the morning," said the college's statement.
Police went into the camp while dealing with pupils who were protesting to plead for arrest and prosecution for former Paul Ongili's former pupil leader, known as Babu Owino.
Mr Owino, who is currently a member of the Embakasi Eastern Province in Nairobi, was arrested after allegedly insulting President Uhuru Kenyatta.

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He was later arrested and charged with assaulting a voter during the election in August.
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About 26 students were injured. Videos that have been distributed online have shown police officers dismissing students from accommodation rooms and even in classrooms.Image caption Students are preparing to leave the camp earlier this day
Police chief Joseph Boinnet said it is difficult to determine whether these videos are true and if they appear to be beaten by police officers they are pupils.
The police administration and public rights advocacy authority (IPOA) has called upon 26 students who were injured to register the information.
"The enrollment of these reports will help us speed up the investigation," IPOA's report signed by senior executive officer Dr Joel Mabonga said.

Earlier, IPOA chairman Macharia Njeru's statement said: "It is true that some students were injured by some police officers while they were facing protesters. So far, we have not received any evidence to show anyone who died."
Mr Njeru said after the investigation, many of the videos and photos that were broadcast online were supposed to show police in attacking pupils are futile.


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