Sunday 15 October 2017


‘Facing pride and development humility are two of the most important things in our life because they affect everything we do and say’.
There was a best iron smith at certain company for making hoes, axes and other farm materials, without him work couldn’t proceed he was a pride to his boss Mr. Damson just because he could do all the work concerning metals .
In their company they had no machine they use to do just locally, due to the market they had in the place they were living
One day Mr. Iron Smith brought an idea to his boss Mr. Damson and idea was about development of the company by buying a machine that will make their work go technologically.
His boss loved the idea without thinking the problem that will face the company later days. Mr. Damson bought the machine and brought it to his small scale industry.
Remember Mr. Damson was living in a remote area he decided to price up his products the market reduced and costumer ran way since his products where very expensive.
Mr. Damson decided to suck all his workers starting with Mr. Iron smith the one who brought the idea and company became bankrupt.
Wow the story is very helpfully to all the beginners in any aspect in life either its business, education, farming or any, you have to know what you love the most first and then see if it’s helpful.
In order for our word and legacy to be gentle, we need to have a humble hearts and attitude, and that comes only from having a humble mind.
Oprah Winfrey once said ‘Your legacy is every life you’ve touched feels everything with love because every moment you are building your legacy’
Compiled by Msafiri Ulimali


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