Monday 23 October 2017

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has promised to deal with North Korea


Prime Minister Shinzo Abe looks like he puts a rosette on the name of a candidate who is expected to win the lower house electionCopyright copyright 

Mr. Abe had passed an early election on a promise to deal with the challenges facing Japan, including a threat from North Korea.

Media reports report that the union of Mrs.Have won two thirds of parliamentary seats.
This gives Mr. Be a chance to change the constitution after the second world war.
The prime minister had called for a change in the country's army, a controversial action that said it was needed to improve Japan's military defense.
Speaking after the release of the results of Mrs. Abe said: "How I promised my biggest goal is to face North Korea.

Just two months ago his popularity was falling shortly after the discovery, but he gained a new understanding after North Korea fired two missiles through the Japanese sky.
The media reported that the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) coalition with the Komeito party won 312 seats among 465 seats in the lower parliament, the victory that gives the union a power to change the constitution.
First Mr. Abe had announced that he wanted to make a change in constitutional protest that would prevent the war and lead to the recognition of the Japanese army.
Two years ago Mr Abe succeeded in changing a constitution that allowed the military to fight out an action that was severely opposed.


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