Tuesday 3 October 2017

Las Vegas: Trump stumbled the issue of artificial hijacking

President Donald Trump of the United States has condemned a gun strike of 59 people and injured more than 500 others, but has restrained anything about armed massage, or the cause of the attack.

Speaking to the nation after the killings last evening at US hour, President Donald Trump made it clear to families affected by the killings, and promoted national solidarity. He ordered the flags to be split half a day until Friday, and also promised to visit Las Vegas on Wednesday morning. Later, he headed the White House staff in the whole minute of silent silence to remember the victims. But, Trump, did not say anything about the huge firearms in the United States. He said the killings were a bad crime.
'' My dear brothers, today we get together in sadness, and in shock, and in pain. Last night, a gunman shot in a band of music lovers in Las Vegas, killing more than 50 people and injuring hundreds of others. It was bad nonsense ''. Said Trump.
Such expressions of mourning for the mass murders of a gunman have become commonplace for US presidents in recent years. In 2012 President Barack Obama dismissed a post-murder trial at Sandy Hook's primary school where 20-year-olds were killed. Before him, President George W Bush tried to comfort the nation after similar killings at the Virginia Technical University.
The unity he spoke about Trump after such a disaster was not reflected in statements made by politicians. Hilary Clinton, who was defeated by Donald Trump in November last year, criticized the gun owners' organization, NRA, in collaboration with armed activists, to allocate millions of dollars to lobby the parliament to enforce legislation that simplify gun sales, and to prevent gunfire controls.
'' The lamentation is not enough, we have to put down our differences, and fight against the NRA, and make sure that such a disaster does not happen again, 'said Mrs. Clinton.
Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama, has demanded an objection to the issue of armed ownership to dissolve and parliament fulfill its obligations.
'It's not time to talk politics''
White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders, responding to the protesters of protective silence on gunfire, said that this is not politics, which is often used by those who demand independence, to abstain from public anger. The NRA sponsored Donald Trump's campaign for $ 30 million, according to the Political Accounting Center.
In the hotel's room for the attacker Stephen Paddock, the police found 16 rifles, including warriors, and in his home search, were found another 18 gun. Some 33,000 people lost their lives every year in the US, due to gun violence.


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