Tuesday 7 November 2017

The international environmental conference began Bonn

The International Conference on Climate Change begins today in Bonn, Germany to discuss how to implement Paris-based agreements aimed at bringing together countries to reduce global warming.COP23 UN Klimakonferenz in Bonn Eröffnung Salaheddine Mezouar (Reuters / W. Rattay)
Fiji Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama officially launched the Cop23 meeting today saying he urges emergency measures to be taken to minimize greenhouse gas as part of the agreement in Paris and it requires each one to have a good intention.
The Baimimarama has warned that its country and other Pacific states of Pacifik are at risk due to rising water levels and unforeseen climatic changes. And despite the fact that Fiji has not yet been shaped by threats like neighboring countries, it is already facing the impact of climate change.
COP23 UN Klimakonferenz in Bonn Eröffnung (Reuters / W. Rattay)
Prime Minister Fiji Frank Bainimarama
Speaking at the opening of the conference, German environmental minister Barbara Hendricks has discussed the importance of protecting the environment and promising its country to provide financial assistance to protect the environment.
Approximately 25,000 people from 195 countries attend an UN-based environmental conference.Germany is hosting the conference to discuss climate change known as Cop23, despite Fiji's holding the presidency.
Diplomats, environmentalists, activists, and politicians are meeting here in Bonn for the next two weeks to discuss how they will save the environment by reducing global temperatures to less than two degrees. Likewise, the agreement aims to maximize the ability of countries to deal with the impact of climate change.
In order to achieve these goals, there is a need for sufficient funding, the use of new technologies, and developing countries to meet their goals. The environmental summit expects that all relevant countries will take additional measures to ensure that the agreement reached is fully implemented.Next year, member states of the United Nations who signed the Paris agreement will undertake an assessment of joint action reached.
This two-year meeting since the Paris agreement reached a momentous crisis after US President Donald Trump announced in June this year that his country would withdraw from the agreement despite a recent report from the US government that there was enough evidence to be The impact of climate change is witnessed.
COP23 UN Klimakonferenz in Bonn Eröffnung (Reuters / W. Rattay)
Children are united to want action to be taken to protect the environment
Basically three main issues involved are to harmonize the aspects of Paris agreement, its implementation with what is known as the operating system. By 2020 countries have been able to strengthen its commitment to reducing global warming by reducing pollution.
Approximately 20 country leaders are expected to attend, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and French President Emmanuel Macron. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is among the leading leaders who will address the Cop23 meeting.
49 countries have already increased their greenhouse gas production strategies and estimated by 2030, the number of countries that will be expected to reach 57, including China, Brazil, the United States and Mexico.
The World Weather Forecast Organization WMO will submit a report today at Bonn's environmental conference that 2017 is expected to report the world's highest temperatures to more than 1.1 degrees if the worst weather .


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