Sunday 22 October 2017


One day 500 people attended an entrepreneurship seminar, the? Facilitator started a very good teaching which was concerning about balloon,
He gave every attendant to own a balloon an told them to write their names on them. After they have finished they where told to take them to one of the rooms which was the next door of the seminars hall and given five minutes for everyone to look for his and her own balloon.
But instead for them to look for the balloon the room now turned into a playing ground and no one succeed getting the balloon ,the facilitator reminded them about about time .
M r Facilitator told everyone to take any of balloon that  was there  asked them to give to the owners.
He looked at them ,the guys where very happy since the game was nice and then he said.
“This always happens in our life ,everyone looks for his or her happiness ,love and care,here nad there without knowing that their happiness lies on someone elsde especially people around you”
Never be alone because  without people there is no life ,e should always love one another for the change.


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