Tuesday 3 October 2017

The rocket started to transport people between cities for just minutes

People will soon be able to travel from one city to another using a rocket, a journey that will take just a few minutes, according to entrepreneur Elon Musk.
Musk promised this in one Australia conference.
It is said that it will take just 29 minutes from London to New York.
Musk also said that in 2024, he would start transporting people to Mars. His SpaceX company will begin to build unique ships that will succeed this year.
At present his company makes ain just a rocket rocket; A type of BFR that can perform different functions including sending people in the moon and Mars.
"The trips that many people consider to be long can be completed within half an hour," he told the crowd in Adelaide.
"Some of our customers want to see the BFR flying several times before they have confidence in it," Musk said.
"So what we want to do is to create a variety of Falcon 9 and Dragon rockets, so customers can easily have it, and if they want to use old rockets, we still have some."
Musk, started plans to achieve Mars's journey in 2016, and returned with more information.
Musk has attracted many people who have been fascinated by his projects. And although his promises have often taken some time to implement, some are fulfilled.
This includes sending and restoring 16 rockets on earth after those rockets finish their mission. Two of the 16 outlets have been able to travel again.
He says the most important thing to him is to create a range of fuel that can be used as a plane, as it cost a lot of money to make a rocket.


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