Thursday 21 June 2018

Eric Omondi awaasa vijana matumizi ya madawa ya kulevya

Mchekeshaji maarufu kutoka nchini Kenya Eric omondi ametumia mtandao wa Instagram kuwaasa vijana juu ya matumizi ya madawa ya kulevya.

Hayo yamekuja baada ya kaka yake mkubwa Joseph Omondi kufariki mapema Jana kwa tatizo la matumizi ya madawa ya kulevya.

Ericomondi ameona hakuna njia nyingine zaidi ya kuwafafanulia vijana na matumizi hayo na na namna dawa za kulevya zinavyofuta ndoto za vijana wengi.

"If you are a young person and you follow this account.. This is for you!!! This is my blood brother Joseph Omondi(Same father same mother)... He is the First born, I am the second born... Our third born is Irene Omondi and the last born is Fred Omondi. Joseph has struggled with drug addiction since high school... He has been in and out of rehabilitation. We have tried our best as a family. Because of his addiction he has a tendency to run away from us to avoid Rehabilitation. I tracked him yesterday through a taxi guy who spotted him in Nairobi downtown along Nyandarua Road. @chipukeezy and Nacada have promised to help him. If you are reading this na uko High school ama colle na ushaanza kuonja hizo vitu jua tu kuna time hautaweza kulala bila hizo vitu," ameandika @ericomondi .


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