Sunday 8 October 2017

Qoutes of the day

Each Sunday we give you seven quotes from people who have done great or unique things in this world. Today's quotations are aimed at giving you a few things about your mind towards your success.

A sincere desire for anything will guarantee success, for the last desire will show way - Henry Hazlitt.
2.All of our dreams can be true if we have the courage to follow - Walt Disney

3.Nothing hinders anyone who wants to achieve any obstacle in his progress and success in his hands but to strengthen his ability to succeed - Eric Butterworth.
Always remember that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other thing - Abraham Lincoln.
Sometimes it seems that great desire does not only get his chance, but his talent - Eric Hoffer.
6.Having a decision to determine there are time and opportunities - Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you will be careful enough in the result, you will be close to - William James


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