Tuesday 24 October 2017

Why Zimbabwe has 'WhatsApp' Minister

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe announced that he had created a new online  ministry and recognized risks and took action, and the people began to joke.
There is an online counterfeit indication that had a fake record with the new emblem of the new minister Patrick Chinamasa.
In the letter, the minister had ordered all members of the WhatsApp group to ensure that they were registered in the ministry until November.
In his own case, it was written "By Using the Online Authority I Was Given."
But the jokes have now diminished, and Zimbabweans are now discussing the outcome that the ministry will end on citizens' independence - a lot of expression of freedom.
'The threat to the dollar'
Zimbabwe's government has become increasingly concerned about social networks since evangelist Evan Mawararire did not lead the #ThisFlag campaign last year.
He used networks such as Twitter and Facebook to organize protests, which were more serious against the government over a period of one decade.


President Mugabe's spokeswoman George Charamba said Mugabe had the idea of ​​having a new ministry to deal with "a threat against the dollar ... a threat that comes from illegal acts."
Social networks have become an important tool for citizens in the country to communicate and receive information.
Many use it in spite of strict rules that oppress the expression of freedom.
For the past 16 years, internet use has increased dramatically in the country, ranging from 0.3% to 46% at present, according to the International Telecommunications Organization (ITU).
Several TV stations and online newsletters, some of which are doing international work abroad, spread information about the Internet.
When fuel stations were dropped by gasoline last year, there were long queues in Zimbabwe's general public stores buying food and storage as they thought there would be huge food shortages.
The government, after worrying about the incident, reported the message on social networking.
"Social networking has been used poorly to prevent anxiety, and thus stimulates the economy," says Mr Charamba.
New Minister of Network Security Minister Chinamasa agrees with the president's spokesperson.
Before his appointment, he said "the source of all these is social networks."
"This means that this is a security issue, and there is a political agenda, and an agenda to change the government." We will investigate carefully what exactly happened to the purpose of taking measures to rehabilitate the security situation. "
Opposition by human rights defenders however, however, look at the point as efforts to overturn the citizen's independence.
The opposition movement of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) claims that the new ministries are a government conspiracy to spy out its citizens.
MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai believes the ministry is designed to deprive citizens of expression before the 2018 election.
Zimbabweans have repeatedly insulted the minister and called him "WhatsApp Minister".Skip Twitter's @CynicHarare Twitter

When you go from the Ministry of Finance to whatsapp admin. pic.twitter.com/9gfyBBNw82
- Prophet Cynic (@CynicHarare) 9 October 2017
At the end of Twitter's @CynicHarare TwitterSkip Twitter's @ReaganMashavave Twitter

Zimbos have no chill # Zimbabwe's new minister of Cyber ​​Security, Threat Detection and Mitigation. pic.twitter.com/AhpKB1Do9o
- Reagan Mashavave (@ReaganMashavave) 9 October 2017
At the end of Twitter's @ReaganMashavave's Twitter message
Others still have a different position and believe that suggests lack of awareness about network crime.Skip Twitter for @Letty_Mabhena Twitter

2/2 Cyber ​​crime is real in # Zimbabwe's Govt has to protect Critical Information Infrastructures.
- Christine Lethokuhle (@Letty_Mabhena) 11 October 2017
At the end of Twitter's TwitterLetty_Mabhena message
Others believe there is a link between that and the next general election.Skip @DougColtart's Twitter message

# Zimbabwe's new Ministry of Cyber ​​Security, Threat Detection and Mitigation is an ominous sign for internet freedom as elections approaches. pic.twitter.com/SftvqgH8JM
- Doug Coltart (@DougColtart) October 9, 2017


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