Monday 2 October 2017

Air France passenger aircraft, damaged in the air

AirFrance's largest aircraft aircraft, airbus 380 aircraft, has been forced to land emergency after one of its injuries was injured in the air.
The superjumbo plane was on the way to Los Angeles - US from the French capital - Paris, with more than 500 passenger.
It decided to land emergency at Goose Bay's airport, east of Canada.
No one was injured in the case, but the passengers stayed at the lodge for several hours, after the passenger plane arrived.
During the incident, the plane carried 496 passengers and 24 workers. This was a spokesman for a spokesman for Air France spokesperson, who spoke to the AFP news agency.
David Rehmar, a former fugitive who was a passenger on the plane, told the BBC that, contrary to his investigation, the case may be due to the failure of the engine's engine fence.
He says it suddenly occurred, after a loud cry, which caused taurals among passengers.


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