Sunday 10 December 2017

Sister!! Dont Give Up

So recently I dislocated my knee, never thought I would be on the cafeteria floor screaming for my life. I had never felt so much pain in my life. They popped it back in to place and that hurt even worse. We went to the hospital and I got terrible news. I am a cheerleader, a basketball player, a softball player, and I run track. The doctor said to me, “Ms. Anita your knee looks good but I just want you to know your knee will dislocate whenever it wants. You can be in the middle of a basketball game and your knee can just pop out like it did today” My heart dropped, the first thing I thought about was not being able to do things the way I used to. So, I called my sister crying and the first thing I tell her is, “Sister, I am going to quit everything”. What she told me made me reconsider my decision she asked me, “Are you really going to give up what you love to do? Do you think that is going to help your knee? Do you think high school is going to be fun for you? You can’t let this end your high school activities. You have to push and try even harder. Push for the things you want. You are going to have to work harder for the things you love, so you’re going to play sports and Never Give Up”. These words coming from my sister meant a lot. I never thought I would hear my sister say that (only because she is not the athletic type) but now I am healing and my knee is getting better. It really isn’t fun being out of sports and cheerleading but I will be back soon. You should never give up on things you love to do, even if you have a really bad injury you should never let that stop you from doing the things you love.


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